VBA For loops are necessary for running a scope of code several times, enumerating through tables or running code in a simple loop.
Learn VBA Select Case Using VBA Loops: For, ForEach The Switch…Case statement to run several conditions basis a single variable.The VBA Select Case statement saves a lot of time compared to VBA If. In some cases, however, there is a need to enumerate many scenarios based on values of specific variables. The VBA If statement is great for writing several conditions. The If…Else statement to run code basis conditions met.The VBA If…Then…Else statement is a basic conditional statement for making simple boolean decisions in your VBA code. Making decisions is hard, but a must in programming. Learn VBA Variables VBA Conditions – If…Else
In this tutorial you will learn how to use the VBA Dim statement to declare VBA Variables and all Data Types available in VBA (strings, numbers etc.).
In order to process data you need to store it somewhere. Understand how you can pass arguments to a Sub/Function.Learn the basics of VBA Subs as well as how they are different from VBA Functions.Create your first Hello World VBA macro using a VBA Sub.VBA Functions on the other hand allow you process and input to return and output that can be used for other purposes. To execute VBA Code you need to start with a VBA Sub (procedure). Learn to Debug VBA VBA Functions and Procedures See how to run your code step by step and the various debugging shortcuts.Learn what are breakpoints and how to use them.Learning to debug VBA code in the Excel VBE is key skill.
Simply record a series of steps and see what the output code looks like instead of Googling it.ĭebugging code is the process of line by line code execution often to understand the process and to identify and resolve macro runtime errors. Recording macros is a great way to test and learn writing new code. Learn the Visual Basic Editor How to Record Macros To start programming in VBA you need to be able to access the Developer ribbon tab in Excel to open the VBA Developer environment (VBE). Prefer learning from videos? Checkout my recommended VBA Video Tutorials Visual Basic Editor Tutorial Prefer books? Checkout my recommended VBA books